Post Culture roundup

Some articles of interest from the Birmingham Post’s Culture section: Electronics fall victim to gremlins – a review of the opening night of the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group‘s autumn season. Pram raiders target the Town Hall is the rather odd title for a preview of the Pram, Modified Toy Orchestra, Shady Bard gig, or should … [Read more…]

Lost and Found report

Christopher Woods reports on the Lost And Found exhibition that took place on the Festival of Xtreme Building site last month. Put on by two UCE graduates, Natalie Wilson and Katharine Kavanagh (under the moniker of Kipipeo arts), the exhibition’s sole purpose was to bring to the surface all those things people discard or lose, … [Read more…]

How To Make A Difference

Art Stalking Ana draws our attention to the current exhibition at the Internation Project Space in Bournville. How to Make a Difference from the Freee Art Collective runs until November 3rd. One of the great things about the IPS is how they put really long and detailed articles and interviews about the work on their … [Read more…]

Thought for the day

Thought for the day: Ikon Eastside is the only gallery I know where you can park your bike in the gallery next to the art itself. Supplementary thought: Selling the copper from Daniel Ortega’s work to a scrap metal dealer at the end of the show will probably pay for the whole summer of art … [Read more…]

KR-36 / DY-66

Do you remember KR-36, the “urban adventure game” that took place as part of The Event back in April? It’s good to learn it wasn’t just a one-off and has been fed into an exhibition titled DY-66 at the Five Years gallery in that London. There’s also a report on the game, from which the … [Read more…]

Legg on Eastside

In this review of the Damian Ortega show at Ikon Eastside Terry Grimley interviews curator Helen Legg giving some insight in why they’re in a big dirty warehouse. Some visitors might feel that the current space would make a perfect permanent gallery if only its walls were given a good scrub and a few coats … [Read more…]

Cure Zone

If I was being cruel I’d say the title of the latest exhibition to take place at Curzon St Station is an indication of some shark jumping, but I’m not and it looks pretty cool. The Cure Zone is: An exhibition by a group of international visual communicators. Fusing ideas of European, Asian, North and … [Read more…]

Bye Midwest

Nikki Pugh mentions, in an interesting little blog post, that Midwest is shutting down. Which is a shame as I’d started to rely on that website a bit. Here’s hoping something good comes from the ashes.