Kate Pemberton

I’d been meaning to post about Kate Pemberton for a while now and seeing her High Church of Gaming (above) on sale at the Birmingham Open kicked me into touch.

From her site:

Kate’s practice addresses the cultural effects that technology has on society, by examining the influence of the machine and of digital technologies. Art pieces range from interactive electronic installations, to canvas based work and textiles. Ideas stem from the status of craft objects in an age of electronic consumerist culture. Crossovers are identified between computer graphics and craft techniques, these are explored in the creation of tangible art objects.

There’s also a nice interview on the BBC Birmingham site from 2005.

Personally I’m drawn to Kate’s work because it brings something new to pixel art and, above all, has a great sense of humour. She also understands her subject, as evidenced by the Cardboard Network piece which was exhibited at Flux in 2003. Kate was also one of the original IdeasFactory (now 4talent) Creative Class.