Ale Installation

Ale Installation is a show running at the MADE gallery on Fazeley St (map) until 2nd August. There’s a private view tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm.

Pamela Ginn’s tribute to the real ale heritage of the region was developed in conjunction with the Festival of Xtreme Building. A mixed media installation, Ale recreates the sights, sounds and smell of the brewery through yards of tubing, a traditional cask and a hand pump through which visitors can pull their own pint of real ale.

Ale is designed to truly engage the viewer, and was inspired both by the artist’s desire to recreate the social interaction of the traditional public house and also by her wish to avoid the situation she has witnessed many times, where ‘private view’ audiences fail to interact with the art being exhibited.

The exhibition will be lined with photography from Highgate Brewery one of the oldest Victorian tower breweries in the country; a beautiful building that represents the pivotal role that breweries once had at the heart of the community.

I’m lead to believe there will be real ale, pork pies, cheese and Branston Pickle at the view…


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