

Ctrl-copy is an online exhibition that features downloadable art by Juneau Projects, Caitlin Griffiths, Chris Hodson, Yoke and Zoom, Cheap Machines and Mike Cassidy via the Internet. Artists have submitted new work or adapted an existing work for the online environment that can be freely downloaded from the virtual space of the web into tangible and personal objects.

Ctrl-copy allows free access to download an edition of original artwork to personal computers, mobile phones, ipods, burn on to CD or print out. The site will eventually becoming a sharing site for art, as users are asked to upload mashed up versions of the art or their own art that will be available to download by others. This reflects the many-to many- broadcasting that is so common currently on the net. This availability also questions issues surrounding copyright and ownership of images on the internet.

The last bit explains the “control copy” title which as a keystroke is pretty meaningless but as a concept is quite pertinent. You see this a lot with photographers who want to embrace online distribution but are wary of people “stealing” their work, let alone using it to create new work. If this project takes off the debate around it should be pretty interesting.

There’s nothing on the site yet save a countdown with seven days to go until all is revealed on Friday 31st August. There’s a launch at The Orange Studio on Canon Street (map) on that Friday from 6-9pm, which indicates it’s a Birmingham-related projects, which is why I’m posting about it here.

Details via Midwest