Contemporary Art Mentoring Scheme


A course for contemporary artists is “a 12 week, 60 hours practice led mentoring programme for fine artists” run by Lara Ratnaraja and Nicola Shipley at Creative Alliance with guest mentoring from Helen Legg and Melissa Nisbett (from the Ikon gallery), Dom Murphy (from TAK!) and Matt Price (possibly from BIAD?).

Previous artists have developed tools to identify galleries and curators and increased their confidence in their practice. In addition, they have developed a catalogue to use as part of their professional portfolio and learnt how to present their work to galleries and commissioners.

Previous participants have gone on to show work at: Ideas Factory V & A Event, New Art Birmingham, The Event, Virtual, Ten4 Magazine, The Out Crowd, Fused Magazine, Rhubarb-Rhubarb International Festival of the Image.

The deadline for applicants is Monday 27th August and you should send a CV, personal statement and representative images of your work to

Here’s the flyer and full details of what the the Creative Alliance Out Of Hours schemes are about is on their site.