Sarah Ingram’s blog

Sarah Ingram is writing a blog “tracking the progress of my BA course in Graphic Design at Birmingham City University.”

How To Make A Difference

Art Stalking Ana draws our attention to the current exhibition at the Internation Project Space in Bournville. How to Make a Difference from the Freee Art Collective runs until November 3rd. One of the great things about the IPS is how they put really long and detailed articles and interviews about the work on their … [Read more…]

Dance where the stars were

Bit late notice this, but if you’re in the vicinity of Millennium Point this evening at 7pm do pop into the ThinkTank’s Planetarium for a preview screening of film maker Leon Trimble and dancer Lisa Wetton’s work in progress screen dance film Written on the Body. (There are talks at 7.00 and the film starts … [Read more…]


BiNS does a nice review of Birmingham FIZ which is not a mis-spelling of “fizz” but stands for Free Information Zone (yup, took me a while there too). As you probably heard in various pronouncements including the phrase “digital city” over the last couple of years, Birmingham now has a wifi network across most of … [Read more…]

Muslim Writers Awards goes national

The Muslim Writers Award, an initiative coming out of Birmingham City Council which had its inaugural ceremony in April, goes national in 2008. The idea of the project is to assist and nurture emerging writers and get them published. We are looking at the writers creative talent – not their religious beliefs. The Awards were … [Read more…]

Nikki’s Brainstorm

There’s a lot more to that graph of Nikki Pugh’s that I blogged yesterday. A hell of a lot more. I roughly grouped what I wanted from events listings into 3 different aspects: going to see stuff (consuming/whatever you want to call it); knowing about stuff (for general background awareness or specific research); and me … [Read more…]

7inch listings

I’ve been thinking of doing a quick roundup of the very many things happening this month but it’s a mammoth task and I fear it. Thankfully the 7inch Cinema listing is up covering the film stuff you’d expect and a bunch more to boot. So that’ll do for now.