Thought for the day

Thought for the day: Ikon Eastside is the only gallery I know where you can park your bike in the gallery next to the art itself. Supplementary thought: Selling the copper from Daniel Ortega’s work to a scrap metal dealer at the end of the show will probably pay for the whole summer of art … [Read more…]

Hunt Emerson profile

Comic Bits has a nice profile of Hunt Emerson, one of the most criminally underrated cartoonists in the country (and I say that no matter how rated he was) who lives and works in Birmingham and is performing with his band The Black Country Cats at the opening party of the Birmingham International Comics Show … [Read more…]

Arts Council ditches Project X

Project X blog about not getting funding from the Arts Council: “It is simply an unfortunate situation that out of the 9 applications from organisations recommended, only 2 made it through to receiving funding.” And there’s the rub – only two out of recommended 9 applications are to get any money – 22%. The Olympics … [Read more…]

A graph of events

Nikki Pugh posted this graphic which made my head hurt a bit, but that wasn’t hard today. See if you do any better. Clicken to embiggen.

Post journo gets blog

Joanna Geary, journalist at the Post, has started blogging and not as part of the Post’s official excursion into the medium. The CiB hook is she often writes about media and creative industries for the paper and her third post should be of interest. The conversation pattern is as follows: Person A is pouring their … [Read more…]

KR-36 / DY-66

Do you remember KR-36, the “urban adventure game” that took place as part of The Event back in April? It’s good to learn it wasn’t just a one-off and has been fed into an exhibition titled DY-66 at the Five Years gallery in that London. There’s also a report on the game, from which the … [Read more…]

No Post and Mail Sale

The sale of the Post and Mail group has been called off by current owners Trinity Mirror, apparently because a suitable bid was not received. From my perspective this is annoying as it means they won’t be dragging themselves into the 21st century any time soon. Time to go it alone, hacks. [Later: Discussion thread … [Read more…]