Carbon Studios

Carbon Studios is a new music studio in Kings Norton (Cotteridge end) that opened recently. They offer space from £6.50 per hour and are doing special offers at the moment. More details on 0121 486 1141 or via MySpace.

Punish the VIPs

Mildly infuriating snippet from Paul Dale’s recent Post blog post about the Town Hall re-opening concert: The only sour note concerned the scores of vacant seats at the ticket-only do. The Lord Mayor, I hear, was none too happy about the number of so-called VIPs who simply failed to turn up on the night. I’d … [Read more…]

CBSO welcomes Andris Nelsons

The CBSO today announced the appointment of Andris Nelsons as music director starting next year, taking over the post from Sakari Oramo (made famous by Lord Rattle of Simon). The CBSO does good podcasts so it’s no surprise there’s a half hour interview with him in the current edition. Click on the widget to listen … [Read more…]

Gigbeth Conference

Alongside all the music you’d be forgiven for forgetting about the conference aspect of Gigbeth taking place during the day on November 1st. The Conference will return in 2007, once again bringing education and industry together. The conference is for those who work in the music industry and education. By bringing both sectors together the … [Read more…]

La Traviata

You’ve probably seen the flyers and advertising for La Traviata taking place at the NIA on 25th and 26th October. I hadn’t given it much thought to be honest, assuming it to be a fleeting touring thing, but a smidgen of investigation reveals there to be a significant Birmingham connection. I know this because Marc … [Read more…]

Lost and Found report

Christopher Woods reports on the Lost And Found exhibition that took place on the Festival of Xtreme Building site last month. Put on by two UCE graduates, Natalie Wilson and Katharine Kavanagh (under the moniker of Kipipeo arts), the exhibition’s sole purpose was to bring to the surface all those things people discard or lose, … [Read more…]

Brumcast 70

Brumcast 70 is up with an hour of music from Birmingham musicians, all collated and curated by Little Chris. [audio:]

GDFAF Starts

The Going Deaf For A Fortnight fortnight has started with a review by Russ L of a night at the Flapper. If you’re going to any gigs over the next 14 days, review them on your blog and leave a note on the GDFAF blog.