Artsfest 08 announced

BiNS has the dates for next year’s Artsfest: 12th-14th September. Which gives everyone plenty of time to plan including, one would hope, those responsible for publicity. Hint hint.

Omnimedia Explained

Project X explain what they mean by “An Omnimedia Experience” for their highly anticipated (by me at least) six hour performance on November 3rd. What we mean by the word omnimedia, is that there is no type of media, or creative endeavour that we leave out of our thinking when planning our events. Music has … [Read more…]

Post on Animation

Following on from the Flip launch The Post has a article on the local animation industry that says 3D animation is our strength citing The Character Shop as a major player.

Waterstone’s Comics Event

As a prelude to this weekend’s Comics Show Waterstone’s on the High St are holding a Comics Evening with signings, demos and tutorials from some of the guests appearing over the weekend. I’m guessing Bryan Talbot will be there, always good value, and artist D’Israeli will be doing a talk.

Blink is out

Blink, the new magazine from the creators of Fused, hits the streets today. Like Fused it’s free and can be picked up from the following places in Birmingham: The Mailbox restaurants Harvey Nichols Selfridges Ikon Fusion House of Fraser Brindley Place restaurants The Cross, Moseley The Fighting Cocks, Moseley and “places like that” The rational … [Read more…]