La Traviata roundup

Marc Reck has a bunch of photos from La Traviata from the performance and the after-show party. Not a huge number of blog posts found so far. Marc Reck (with photos) Nadeem Shabir (with photos) Andy Pryke Charlotte Carey The Stirrer Birmingham Post review Any more, leave a link in the comments.

Don’t take government money, says Jan

There’s an ongoing debate as to the role of public money in the creation of art. Some say it’s essential and a natural continuation of the patronage system of days gone by while others question the strings attached to taking money from vested interests, especially when the government is involved. Artist Jan Bowman is in … [Read more…]

How to promote gigs

Dunc of Autumn Store on how to promote gigs. It turned out that bands I liked weren’t playing in Birmingham because I hadn’t booked them yet. I’m hoping to demystify the booking-and-promoting process a little bit, in the hope that more people will put bands that they like on in Birmingham too, because – as … [Read more…]

Brumcast 73

Just in time for the weekend, here’s Brumcast 73. [audio:]

Jesmond Villas

Autumnstore Dunc waxes lyrical about his recent find, acoustic singer-songwriter Jesmond Villas. It also appears that one R Howard is a nodal point of activity in this regard and should probably be paid attention to.

James Nash

He’s from Wolverhampton but I won’t hold that against him. There’s a small portfolio on Dazed Digital and here’s his MySpace I also understand he’s involved with the Colour night at the Quadrant Lounge in Wolverhampton, which has me somewhat intrigued. “The primary space for music and thought in Wolves” they call it. Really must … [Read more…]

SWM Script Grants

The next round of script grants from Screen WM is open to submissions. The scheme offers writers based in the West Midlands region up to £5,000 to help develop ideas and treatments into original screenplays, improve existing drafts, or adapt an existing work. The deadline is Friday 5th November.