Blogging notes

On Friday I spent a bit of time with the Town Hall Symphony Hall people talking about how they might approach their forthcoming weblog. Since this would probably be useful for other similar organisations looking to blog I figured I might as well publish my notes on my blog. I should also add that I’m … [Read more…]

Written on the Body reviewed

Rich Batsford blogs about the Written on the Body preview last night of Leon Trimble and Lisa Wetton’s Planetarium-specific art film. It was a quite wonderful thing, playing both with the format and the technology. I was particularly impressed with Leon’s array of six CCTV cameras (five around, one up) which the dancers performed over, … [Read more…]

Two Promoters

I really should blog more about the many small promoters that put on gigs around the city. This is the lifeblood of our music scene really, giving a platform for new bands and those that don’t necessarily fit the criteria of the established promoters. And because they’re usually done on a non-profit basis (or more … [Read more…]

4Talent Awards announced

The Ten4 blog has posted the list of 4Talent Award winners, three of which are from Birmingham: Photographer Chris Keenan Comedian Nathan Hughes-Berry Performance Poet PolarBear The awards will take over a large chunk of Ten4 Magazine issue 8, out in November.

Charlie Jordan, Laureate

Birmingham has a new Poet Laureate in the form of Charlie Jordan. Here she is with the outgoing Laureate Spoz: Charlie was born and raised in Birmingham and is proud to be part of Birmingham’s growing and thriving literary scene. She is a radio presenter currently presenting the late night show on Heart FM. She … [Read more…]

Town Hall opens

If was on the ball I’d have a long and detailed post here about the Town Hall Re-opening Festival starting tonight. But I appear to have fallen off the ball. If anyone goes and writes about it, do let me know.

Flash Mobbers Found

Aha! Thanks to BiNS I now know who’s behind those spontaneous pillow fight flash mobs in Birmingham that crop up on YouTube! It all seems to emerge from the Brummob MySpace page, although I think there’s another separate group in operation doing silent raves.