Two Promoters

I really should blog more about the many small promoters that put on gigs around the city. This is the lifeblood of our music scene really, giving a platform for new bands and those that don’t necessarily fit the criteria of the established promoters. And because they’re usually done on a non-profit basis (or more accurately “unlikely-profit”) for the love of it you tend to get a nice unified lineup.

Rather that overwhelm you here’s a couple that have cropped up in my inbox this week.

The Autumn Store I’ve been aware of for a year now. “Birmingham’s night of classic indiepop, modern left-field indie, and stuff we think sounds pretty.” They’re putting on gigs every month at the Sunflower Lounge and Island Bar. The next one is October 12th with Butcher Boy, The Will To Rally and Ben Calvert.

Platform Promotions have taken over Wednesday nights at the Hare and Hounds in Kings Heath (which I’m liking even more than before as a venue these days). Apparently they have connections with the Barfly so this could be seen as a feeder showcase for that. Maybe. Next night is October 10th with James Rea, John Napier, Jamie Croft and Vicky Stuart, none of whom I’ve heard of making a perfect GDFAF gig.

Any other promoters feel free to throw me an email with a link to your site.