Birmingham Gigs listings

A handy resource for those of you planning your Going Deaf For A Fortnight excursions – the Birmingham Gigs listings on MySpace are nice and up to date. Plenty of stuff I’ve never heard of to go and see.

Notes from the Flip Press Launch

This morning was the press launch for the Flip Animation Festival, taking place at Light House, Wolverhamton, from November 1st – 3rd. I was there, so I guess I’m “press” these days. The launch was introduced by Dave Harte of Digital Central with a few of his obligatory stats (apparently the West Mids has 30% … [Read more…]

Post Culture roundup

Some articles of interest from the Birmingham Post’s Culture section: Electronics fall victim to gremlins – a review of the opening night of the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group‘s autumn season. Pram raiders target the Town Hall is the rather odd title for a preview of the Pram, Modified Toy Orchestra, Shady Bard gig, or should … [Read more…]

McComb goes pop

Apropos of nothing, a fantastically odd post from Richard McComb on pop videos. Good to see the Post are starting to understand what their blog is for!


Drumvoice is “a Birmingham based company that brings exciting hands-on West African drumming, singing and dance workshops to education and the community”. Lead by Sarah Westwood they do projects in schools and arts organisations as well as running a adult group, Drumvoice Orchestra, who perform at events like Artsfest.. Alongside this is The Rhythm Business … [Read more…]

Flickr Tuesday

I haven’t been watching the Birmingham Flickr Pool that closely this last month, which is bad of me. And a quick look shows there’s some quality work popping up there. Here’s three that caught my eye. Sculpcha by Birmingham Phil Blue by sarah_hamstera Highway in the sky by Rob McColl All © as applicable. Click … [Read more…]

What to do about gigs?

I need some advice here. I’m not sure what to do about gigs on this blog. As a rule I don’t post about individual gigs and concerts here, my main reason being it will lead into a terrible spiral of inherent systemic bias and favouritism as I can’t help but push the musicians I like … [Read more…]