Ideas for a New Brum

Stef Lewandowski posted this last night but I’ve been holding off writing about it while I get my head around what it might mean. In short he’s involved in a city-wide ideas project. I was invited to be part of what the consultants, Urban Initiatives, who are running the project are terming the ‘City Team’ … [Read more…]

Digital Central research responses online

Hard to come up with a snappy title for this, but it’s a good one. Part of Digital Central‘s remit is to study what’s needed in the local music industry and report back to the AWM mothership. Recently they’ve been “a bunch of music industry types what they think of the current set up here … [Read more…]

Pacman Plus videos

Since it touches numerous geek bases at once it’s not too surprising that videos of the Pacman Plus game from the Plus+ festival are something of a hit on YouTube. The above made it to the YouTube front page, hence all the retarded comments. Sigh…

My pick from Flip

If I was going to go to just one event at the Flip Animation Festival (and remember this is me I’m talking about not necessarily you) then it’d be Animation in the YouTube Generation on Friday 2nd November from 3.30-6pm. This panel discussion will look at the impact of new and emerging online platforms and … [Read more…]

Laura’s New Beano Strip

Birmingham based cartoonist Laura Howell has a new strip starting in The Beano this week, Johnny Bean: She talked about the creation a bit on her blog which is worth following if you’re of the budding cartoonist persuasion and her site has loads of examples of her work.

Francesca’s Key

Pogus Caesar‘s new film Francesca’s Key gets a free public showing at the Library Theatre tomorrow (Thursday). There’s a nice article about it here and you should certainly check out the rest of Caesar’s work. via BiNS

Bearded Two

The second issue of locally produced magazine Bearded hits the streets on October 29th with a Misty’s Big Adventure interview and a cover by ZeroTen You can download a PDF copy for free from the site or pick it up from these outlets.