Pacman Plus videos

Since it touches numerous geek bases at once it’s not too surprising that videos of the Pacman Plus game from the Plus+ festival are something of a hit on YouTube.

The above made it to the YouTube front page, hence all the retarded comments. Sigh…

One Comment

  1. Hi Pete,

    Thanks for your Pacman Plus support!

    We’re hoping to bring Pacman back this year at Fierce Festival:

    This year we want to bring it back, BIGGER AND BETTER, and for that we need your help. We’re not just going to update add a one to the number on the end of the title, it’s going to improve big time! But before we tell you how we’re going to make it amazing, we need you go to and help get us a venue for this madness.

    Thanks, Joy & Pete (Pacman Plus team)

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