Hunt Emerson profile


Comic Bits has a nice profile of Hunt Emerson, one of the most criminally underrated cartoonists in the country (and I say that no matter how rated he was) who lives and works in Birmingham and is performing with his band The Black Country Cats at the opening party of the Birmingham International Comics Show on October 12th.

From the more scratchy whirling dervish anthropomorphics of his early work, that can only be likened to a be-bopping busy bumble bee, through to the sturdier renderings of today where his black are sold and deep enough to swim in, his work is affirmed in its clarity. His panel sequences dance with the reassured understanding of a man who feels rhythm like a musician, and beyond it all, as everyone can see, he is a master at creating irresistibility funny work.

Hunt’s website hasn’t been updated since 2000 (!) but is still worth spending a long while browsing through and there’s an interview here.

Speaking of the Comics Show that launch party has been moved to Bennetts since The Cotton Club on Hurst St appears to have shut down.