Dance where the stars were

Bit late notice this, but if you’re in the vicinity of Millennium Point this evening at 7pm do pop into the ThinkTank’s Planetarium for a preview screening of film maker Leon Trimble and dancer Lisa Wetton’s work in progress screen dance film Written on the Body. (There are talks at 7.00 and the film starts at 7.30)


There’s a nice article on BBC Birmingham from which I shall excerpt.

Screen dance is an art form that joins multimedia artists together with dancers and choreographers – and it’s capturing the attention of artists worldwide. […] “Lisa and Leon have gone one step further and taken it to a planetarium, and this is the first ever occasion when artists have been commissioned to make work for a planetarium”


The film, titled Written on the Body, is a combination of choreography and dance and 360 degree filming technology. The dancers leap and move freely across 360 degrees, it’s impossible to see everything at once as the action happens all around your head.


“There are international contests to encourage people to create more. The danger with ‘full dome’ is that we don’t want it to go the same way as Imax which stuck to films about fish and hang gliding and now they’re struggling to get an audience.”

The piece is one of 7 new dance and moving image commissions from Fracture. Leon trades as Chromatouch for his VJing work. Again, this isn’t the finished work – I’ll keep you posted on when that’s released.

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