The Naked Portrait

The Naked Portrait is “the first exhibition to focus on naked portraiture as a strand in the art of the last century” taking place at Compton Verney from 29 September to 9 December. Audiences Central have details of a press view on September 28th.

Wolverhampton Camera Fair

Any camera nerds who like playing with old kit should be aware the next Wolverhampton Camera Fair is on September 30th. If you’re that way inclined it’s a small slice of heaven. If you’re not then stay far far away. Nothing for you here. There’s also a (rather inactive but that can change) Flickr group.


With Curzon St Station becoming the defacto arts venue in Digbeth these days it’s somewhat refreshing to see an exhibition being held there that’s actually about trains. Station is a photography show with three strands. RFK Funeral Train is a Magnum touring exhibition of photos taken by Paul Fusco as he accompanied Bobby Kennedy’s coffin … [Read more…]

Ten Strangers

I like it when people set themselves little challenges with their art. Photographer Gary Corbett (perhaps best known for his tireless chronicling of Rush Hour Blues at Symphony Hall) decided to walk around Birmingham and shoot portraits of 10 complete strangers. The results are on Flickr and here’s a couple that caught my eye. “I … [Read more…]

Sunil Janah at The Drum

Marking 60 years of Indian independence The Drum has an exhibition of work by photographer Sunil Janah “focusing on the struggle for independence from the British, a movement which Janah was a part of. Looking at political activity against the backdrop of the people of India, the economy and the history of the continent the … [Read more…]


The Birmingham Flickrmeets people held their monthly meet at the Botanical Gardens on Sunday, which made a change from the usual rust and decay. Here’s a selection of the results. by eightbaII by Tingy by harri b by jdtate101 by this_woman by mike warren by telipogon by Matt Murtagh and here’s the whole pool. The … [Read more…]

Webheath Photo Club

The Webheath Digital Photography Club is a new-ish group that meets every Tuesday in Redditch. The Club was formed in January 2007 and exists to encourage the development of members’ photographic skills in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. Anyone with any interest in digital photography is encouraged to join, whether they are owners of compact … [Read more…]