

With Curzon St Station becoming the defacto arts venue in Digbeth these days it’s somewhat refreshing to see an exhibition being held there that’s actually about trains. Station is a photography show with three strands.

RFK Funeral Train is a Magnum touring exhibition of photos taken by Paul Fusco as he accompanied Bobby Kennedy’s coffin on the train journey from New York to Washington. Some (all?) of the photos are in this gallery and they’re quite fantastic.

Closer to home is Points and Signals, locomotive photographs drawn from the Birmingham Library archive. This archive is stupidly massive and doesn’t get aired as often as it should (mainly because of preservation and archival issues) making this a rare treat for photo nerds.

And finally a more contemporary edge comes from Stephen Morgan’s Severn Valley Railway photos commissioned for the show and, seemingly, concentrating on the volunteers and visitors as much as the locos. (And on a complete tangent for an arts blog, I didn’t realise the extent of the flood damage they suffered until I saw these photos.)

More info on the BCC site and the exhibition runs from 12 – 26 September. via Kate&Drew on Flickr Birmingham