Red ceiling

From pashmolean Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


From Photo-Gedden Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Out of the Shadows

Tying in with Pride weekend is Out of the Shadows, a “queer arts event” that has its official launch today and runs until mid June. It also introduces me to a new venue in ABplus on Lower Essex Street where the private view takes place tonight from 6pm for drinks and chats with the artists. … [Read more…]

Ballet on the Buses

Photos from Ballet on the Buses are starting to appear. Here are mine (including the above), these are Matt Murtagh’s and Candice Smith has a few. There were loads of cameras out there (including, I noticed, a rather nice Leica, but I digress) so if you have any shots or even video online leave a … [Read more…]