Craig Holmes’ Photoblog

Craig Holmes writes to say he’s started a new photoblog where he’s posting a new photo every day showcasing his personal, artistic and commercial work. He’s using a new service, Pixyblog, which is still in beta but looks like it could be useful for photographers who want a picture-specific blog. Craig runs the Images of … [Read more…]

Flair Designer Maker Fair

The Flair Designer Maker Fair at Light House in Wolverhampton on June 23rd features 40 artists and makers from the region exhibiting and selling their work, along with graduates from Wolverhampton School of Art and Design. It runs from 11am to 4pm in the covered courtyard of the Chubb Buildings. Ranging from illustration and photography … [Read more…]

Beetham Trees

From kate&drew Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Shedding Light

The next exhibition in Light House‘s dedicated photography gallery is Shedding Light [Appropriation] by Anthony William Bye running from May 25th to July 13th. Appropriated stills have been captured from 1960s cinefilm to create this exhibition documenting episodes in lives from a personal, political and cultural perspective. The images are selected carefully from diverse films … [Read more…]