Flickr Friday

A regular selection of photos from the Birmingham Flickr community. Sarah Abnett nobody knows anything ikkio too harri b All copyright as applies. To suggest photos for inclusion in this feature add them to this thread or leave a link in the comments.

Rhubarb Seminar

This Saturday sees a Rhubarb Rhubarb seminar entitled Don’t Mention The Money at the Custard Factory. Over the last few years, there has been an increasing focus on the economics of working as a fine art photographer. This day concentrates on ideas, how they are formed, where they come from and how to grow them … [Read more…]

World TTV Day

World TTV Day is this Saturday Feb 17th. Photographers are encouraged to take their two cameras out and go TTV crazy for 24 hours in their area. But what is TTV? And what does it have to do with Birmingham? © harri b Through the Viewfinder is a photography technique that started to gain popularity … [Read more…]

Flickr Friday

You probably saw this theme coming… hartlandmartin Matt Murtagh nobody knows anything Pete Ashton (whoever he is…) Photos found on the Birmingham Flickr Community. All copyright as applies. The snow has slowed down my blogging, mainly because I’ve been out photographing it! Normal service will be resumed soon.

Underwater Love

The British Underwater Image Festival takes place at the NEC on March 16-18th. Covering all levels of ability from professional film makers to amateurs with compact digital cameras the only criteria seems to be that the lens must be beneath the water line. Maybe I’ve been in landlocked Birmingham too long but I’m surprised by … [Read more…]

Rhubarb Bursaries Deadline

The Rhubarb Rhubarb Festival dates have been set for 26th – 29th July 2007 and, along with the Arts Council, they’re offering eight bursaries for photographers from the West Midlands intended to help then prepare their portfolios and exhibit at the festival including six 20 minute sessions with international reviewers. The deadline for applications is … [Read more…]

Flickr Friday

A weekly grab from the Birmingham Flickr community. (Usually posted on Friday, unless I forget, like this week…) © nobody knows anything © tanyalupton © redcrayon © harri b To suggest photos for this feature post them to this thread on Flickr or leave a link in the comments here.