Project X setup

Marc Reck points to photos of yesterday’s final setup for Project X Presents. More here. If you’ve got your Gigbeth wristband you can get into the dress rehersal tonight and some tickets are still available on the door tomorrow for the show proper. A year in the making, by all accounts. Should be good. If … [Read more…]

Plus Photos

Stef Lewandowski was the roving photographer at Plus and has started posting his very many photos online. Here’s his set with 171 shots so far and he’s asking people to add their own photos to the Plus Flickr pool, something I would endorse as a good idea. Check out the slideshow. Top: Pacman Plus. Bottom: … [Read more…]

Wings of Desire

As part of Project X Presents m’chum Matt Murtagh will be accompanying Einstellung‘s set with a series of photos based on Wim Wender’s Wings of Desire. He’s posted three of them on Flickr. Project X Presents takes place on Saturday 3rd November and tickets are £15/20 from here.

Wedding Show

A couple of reports from the National Wedding Show at the NEC where photographers earn their bread and butter in bookings. Emily Quinton had a stand and Steve Gerrard, having been on the other side of the lens for a change, went to check out the competition.

The Joiners of Dan-ish

Flickr user Dan-ish has been dabbling in the art of the Joiner – taking multiple photographs of a panorama and putting together in a patchwork without resorting to that tedious stitching software. The result, first discovered by David Hockney, is much more interesting. Here’s his complete set of Joiners which you can also view as … [Read more…]

Flickr Tuesday

I haven’t been watching the Birmingham Flickr Pool that closely this last month, which is bad of me. And a quick look shows there’s some quality work popping up there. Here’s three that caught my eye. Sculpcha by Birmingham Phil Blue by sarah_hamstera Highway in the sky by Rob McColl All © as applicable. Click … [Read more…]

Cure Zone

If I was being cruel I’d say the title of the latest exhibition to take place at Curzon St Station is an indication of some shark jumping, but I’m not and it looks pretty cool. The Cure Zone is: An exhibition by a group of international visual communicators. Fusing ideas of European, Asian, North and … [Read more…]