Pogus Caesar show coming

Spaghetti Gazetti brings notice of a forthcoming Pogus Caesar exhibition at the Wolverhampton Art Gallery running from April 26th to July 12th. Here’s one of his photos from the 2005 tornado: Taken from the wide range of photographs, photomotages and films on his website. Most of Caesar’s UK photography is based around his home city … [Read more…]

Creative Portraits

Kate Beatty is working on a series of portraits of “Birmingham Creatives”. Here’s one, of Andrew Dubber. He blogs about it here. Oh, and here she is taking the photo:

Flickr Sunday

from suselstahl from amortize from Matt Murtagh from BigChilli Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the images for more details.

BM&AG and photography

Missed this while I was away but it seems Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is cracking down on photos of their collection appearing on Flickr and, presumably, other online venues. You can get permission to take photos there if you sign a waiver that says the copyright remains with them. Presumably this policy was put … [Read more…]

New Street Station

Above is one of the photos from John Davies show, The British Landscape, which has been shortlisted for the prestigious Deutsche Borse Photography Prize. The Birmingham shots were commissioned by Birmingham Central Library in 2000. The Birmingham photographs form part of Davies’ larger project, Metropoli, which documented the changing face of the post-industrial city scape … [Read more…]

Phyllis Nicklin’s 60s Birmingham

Here’s a selection of colour slide photographs of Birmingham in the 1960s taken by Phyllis Nicklin, then the Staff Tutor in Geography at the University of Birmingham. I picked out three but there are many more. Have a look before we get to the meat of the matter. (Click for bigger.) Anderton Street terraces, Ladywood, … [Read more…]

The Big Picture

While Birmingham may criminally not have a photography museum or gallery of great substance we do, as of today, have a stupidly large and ambitious online photography project run, I’m pleased to say, by people who actually understand how these things should work. On the face of it The Big Picture is one of those … [Read more…]

Silent Underground

I’ve written about Silent UK on my own blog but coming across his/their Deviant Art profile (courtesy, as ever, of D’log) made me realise I’d not brought him/them to your attention. What’s going on here is urban exploration where folks gain entry, usually illegally, into abandoned buildings, underground tunnels and other areas not usually visited … [Read more…]