From Canton to Guangzhou

Pete James, custodian of Birmingham Library’s legendary photographic archive, sends through info of From Canton to Guangzhou, part of Birmingham’s China Festival running through this year at BM&AG. This exhibition presents the work of two photographers who have made very different visual records of Birmingham’s Sister City in China. It contrasts the photographs of buildings … [Read more…]

Vanley Burke talk

Feed in Millennium Point are running what they call a Contact Night with Vanley Burke aimed at Matthew Boulton students but open to the public. He will be discussing his background, how he became a photographer and his role in documenting black culture and british people for the last 40 years. Tickets are £3.50 and … [Read more…]

Ming Jue – Stuart Whipps

Stuart Whipps is a local independent photographer, who, amongst other things, documented the closing of the Longbridge Rover plant and its subsequent move to China. The exhibition of this work will be at The New Art Gallery Walsall and runs from April 4th to June 1st with the private view on Thursday 3rd April which … [Read more…]

Black + White = Blues

This month Gary Corbett has had a photography exhibition at the Central Library Gallery of his photographs from Rush Hour Blues which he’s been shooting with great consistency for years now. You can see the whole lot in this Flickr collection and it was only a matter of time before something physical came of it. … [Read more…]

Colour of Music

Photographer George Benson has a new website with a lovely new series of work, The Colour of Music. This series purely looks at the colour of the record sleeves grouping all records by colour alone. In this way the genres of music were mixed with techno standing next to hiphop next to rock next to … [Read more…]

Artists wanted

The Big Picture are seeking artists/design teams to help with the following projects: World Record Attempt (deadline for proposals 18th March) Audiences Central wants to appoint an artist or artist/design team to break the world record for the largest photo mosaic in the world, as the culmination of our ‘Big Picture’ project. The current record … [Read more…]

New Birmingham available

Craig Holmes’ book A New Birmingham which sold out of it’s initial run last year available from the publisher presumably on a print-on-demand basis. There’s a 16 page PDF preview too.