Out of the Shadows

Tying in with Pride weekend is Out of the Shadows, a “queer arts event” that has its official launch today and runs until mid June. It also introduces me to a new venue in ABplus on Lower Essex Street where the private view takes place tonight from 6pm for drinks and chats with the artists. There are also pieces on show at the BBC, the REP, the Prowler shop and Selfridges.

There are eighteen artists involved in the event working across a range of mediums. Here’s a clicky list.

Matthew Alton (photography)
Dan Auluk (painting / photography)
Jamie Cox (photography) [MySpace / Flickr]
Remi Fadare (fine art) [MySpace]
Rob Gibb (photography) [website]
John Hall (fine art / photography)
Haroonie (fine art)
Neil Hughes (costume / body painting / photography) [portfolio]
Ken Hurd (screenprints) [website / shop]
Alice Kell & Rosie Perry (photography)
Paul Langford (painter)
Lisa Metherell (installation) [website]
Sally Payne (photography) [Flickr]
Henry Rogers (fine art)
Sophie Rush (photography, painting, video, installation)
Anil Teli (painting)
Twiggy (costume) [MySpace]
David Viney (digital photography) [website]

The vast majority (maybe all but I can’t be sure) of these artists are from or based in Birmingham so I’ll be investigating this list further over time. Based on my quick survey it all looks to be top quality stuff.