CiB Year in Review: October

A daily look at the last 12 months

October – the summer of art starts coming to a close with a new Town Hall, opera in the NIA and choirs on a housing estate.

The Post and Mail was not for sale as Trinity Mirror decided they wanted to keep our local papers.

KR-36 became DY-66 as the interactive game from The Event transmogrified into a London gallery show.

Digtial Birmingham launched The FIZ – the info portal that is available free via the otherwise charged for city-wide WiFi network.

Leon Trimble and Lisa Wetton’s film Written on the Body premiered at the ThinkTank’s Planetarium having been specifically made for that medium. reviews followed.

I came across the MySpace pages for those folks organising Flash Mobs in Birmingham.

Charlie Jordan became Birmingham Poet Laureate.

The 4Talent Awards were announced with three winners from the Midlands.

Going Deaf For A Fortnight 2007 began.

Lost and Found, an exhibition of found objects, was reported on.

La Traviata started generating attention with some useful videos.

I posted something about the Gigbeth Conference which generated a number of comments. As did a subsequent post about the conference lineup being all male.

Andris Nelsons became the new music director of the CBSO.

Apparently there were a number of empty seats at the Town Hall re-opening as so-called VIPs didn’t bother turning up.

The press launch for the Flip Animation Festival gave us a nice overview of the state of the local animation industry.

The Nightingale club off Hurst Street was having troubles with the developers in a story that was disturbingly similar to that of the Spotted Dog.

Capsule took over the newly re-opened Town Hall along with a number of other “niche” promoters making the festival more representative of the city that one might have expected.

After what seemed like years of political wrangling and occasionally bemusing statement the new site for the Central Library was confirmed as being next to the REP.

The Plus+ Design Festival began in Digbeth. Some bloggery followed and photos.

Photos from the Binary Oppositions launch surfaced.

The IKON Eastside closing party looked to be pretty cool and so it proved to be.

Dom from TAK gave away some knowledge on his company blog which I’ve cited many times as good blogging practice.

Birmingham Royal Ballet won an Outstanding Achievement in Dance Award.

Stef Lewandowski found himself in a group of “ideas people” tasked with redesigning Birmingham and blogged extensively about it asking folks for their ideas which he then fed to the group.

The Autumn Store blog was turning into a very useful resource.

Jan Bowman reckoned artists shouldn’t take government money.

La Traviata happened and was generally considered a good thing locally and nationally.

Reality Estate happened at Five Ways after a year of work in the estate and was one of the best things of the year by far.

Profiles included Hunt Emerson, Drumvoice, Ted Chippington, Dan-ish, Jan Bowman, PolarBear, The Apology Line, Laura Howell and James Nash.