Binary Oppositions photos

I’ve been sent a load of photos from the Binary Oppositions Launch and, since I’ve always wanted to run some kind of Hello-style Society page, I figured they might as well go on the blog. Post People watch out! I’m not going to try and do witty captions though.

There’s a lot of them so they’re below the fold, as it were.

Fine art photographer Stuart Whipps with Ian Sergeant, Decibel arts officer at Arts Council England, West Midlands
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Guests Shell Graham and Hanna Milton
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Illustrator Steph Wood, arts journalist Simon Harper, Bearded magazine editor Gareth Main and photographer Jen Hayes
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Participating artist Mike Johnston, CITRIC gallery director Lavinia Muscat and participating artist Kate Pemberton. Web architect Jake Masters in the background
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Guests Shamim Miah and Sadiq Miah
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Ikon curator Diana Stevenson with artist and curator Lucienne Cole
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Visiting artists Mauricio Guillen and Leopold Kessler
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Mike in Mono performing at the after show party at The Rainbow, Digbeth
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Fused magazine co-editor Kerry Thomas at The Rainbow
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Fused magazine co-editor David O’Coy at The Rainbow (with Betty & The Id’s Jim Smith lurking behind)
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Filmmaker and VJ Scott Johnston performing at The Rainbow
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Binary Oppositions curator and regular Fused magazine contributor, Matt Price
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Participating artist Justin Wiggan performing a Binary Mash-up DJ set as dreams of Tall buildings
Photo: Jade Canhigh

Matt Eaton performing as Micronormous at the Binary Oppositions launch party at the Rainbow, Digbeth
Photo: Jen Hayes

Participating artist Mike Johnston performing as Mike in Mono at the Binary Oppositions launch party at the Rainbow, Digbeth
Photo: Jen Hayes

I’d imagine these can be used with full credits. Thanks to Matt Price for sending them in.

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