CiB Year in Review: April

A daily look at the last 12 months

April was when I appeared to get my head around who was doing stuff with a whole slew of profiles which I’ve listed at the end of this post. And a bunch of stuff happened too as the arts scene picked up for the Spring and CiB got into its groove.

The Mirage Festival of Arabic films occurred.

Digital Central set up an office at the Birmingham “embassy” in London.

The Treasury’s Spending Review appears foreshadows the anticipated arts cuts.

Advice about using YouTube to build your event’s reputation was given.

The interactive game KR-36 took place as part of The Event.

The Midlands Textile Forum was announced as launching in October. I wonder if that actually happened?

TAK won a Webby.

The International Puppetry Festival was announced.

Brumcast did an Iron Man Records special.

The Town Hall reopening festival was announced.

The Breakin’ Convention at the Hippodrome was announced.

Intrigue was another arts event at Five Ways.

April profiles included Martin John Callanan, the film Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit, Plimsoul, Betty and the Id, 104 Films, Kate Penberton, Dubtransmissions, The Traditional Arts Team, It’s Just Noise, The Electric Cinema Orchestra, Banner Theatre, Steven Gerrard, Stephanie Mill, Krankpod, A Slice of The Pie, Victor Kills Virginia and TG Collective