The TG Collective

The TG Collective are a relatively new music outfit that emerged from the successful guitar trio Trio Gitano when one of them left. From their site:

The Collective follows similar musical paths that won much praise from critics earlier last year. Moving through jazz, gypsy, hotclub, flamenco, classical and even film influences, the Collective is based on two acoustic guitars, set alongside trumpets, violin, viola, flute, clarinet, tenor sax, double bass and percussion, with new and interchanging shapes and sizes of ensemble from gig to gig, and within a performance.

Touching on the influences and new arrangements of works by such luminaries as Paco de Lucia, Django Reinhardt, Ennio Morricone and Horace Silver, the Collective also perform self-penned compositions and arrangements, and music by longstanding TG guru Bryan Lester.

I like the idea of a core duo calling on their friends at random to do gigs. Worth noting that one of the collective is the ever-present Louis Robertson of The Destroyers. Other members with web presences are trumpeter Ray Butcher, flautist Holly Jones of Salvador 6 and violinist Joe Broughton.

They’re currently in the studio recording a new album but will be performing in Birmingham at the Symphony Hall for Rush Hour Blues on Friday 8th June at 5.30pm. (If you’ve not been before these concerts run by Birmingham Jazz are every Friday and free.)

As well as the obligatory MySpace they have an audio player on their site which has been keeping me very entertained for the last half hour.

Photo of Sam Slater by Sander Jurkiewicz