Hiphoppodrome brings news of the Breakin’ Convention 07 which is coming to the Hippodrome on the 15th and 16th May as part of a UK tour.

Witness the most incredible line up of poppers, lockers, house dancers, b-boys and b-girls, from the diverse world of Hip Hop dance. From pioneering artists to new skool visionaries, Breakin Convention brings you an line-up hard to match.

Judging by the websites this look to be heavy on the spectacle and more of a show than a convention but they are bringing in local “hip hop reps” on the tour. The West Mids rep is Marso.

Born in France, Marso (a.k.a Mickael Riviere) trained at the Rosella Hightower International Dance School from 1995-97. He then studied aerial circus skills & drama at the Circus Space and gained a certificate in theatre practice in 1999 from the London School of Speech & Drama. He has also graded and trained with the Northen school of Capoeira and Professor Tijolo since 2001. In 2000 he was employed as an Aerial and Ground artist performing on stilts, bungee and trapeze at the Millennium Dome as part of the New Millennium Experience Company. In 2002 he achieved an access certificate in Music Performance and Drama from South Birmingham College.

Marso is an established breakdance performer /teacher and teaches workshops internationally, he has also launched West Midlands first Urban Dance Agency, Bboys Attic.

In 2004 & 2005 he received funding from Arts Council England and was supported by DanceXchange to create his new work Decalage which was showcased as part of the New Vibes festival, British Dance Edition and Resolution! The Place, London (2006-2007). At the end of 2006 Marso launched Company Decalage and this is his first regional tour of a full evenings work “Decalage” and “See”.

Bboys Attic do a number of classes in the area at Aston Uni, the Hippodrome and the Custard Factory.

Update: BBC Birmingham has more details of the local acts appearing and covers more of the grass roots activity going on.