Slice of the Pie

A Slice Of The Pie has been running gig nights at the Rainbow and other venues in Birmingham for the last year and recently settled at the King Edward (aka Chapter 11, aka Ben Johnson, etc) in Aston which seems to be the venue du jour for fringe live nights.

The Slice Pie boys have a pretty vibrant web presence. Along with the obligatory MySpace where you’ll find out about upcoming nights they’ve started a blog to post up photos and reviews of nights past, hopefully including profiles of the bands who play. (The about page there is concise and handy.) Videos from their events are on YouTube and photographs by m’talented friend Matt Murtagh are on Flickr.

They’ve also started recording the shows and releasing them as a podcast. Here’s the podcast page where you can download the mp3 and Here’s the rss feed which you can drag into iTunes of similar to subscribe. The first show is the set by mechanimal & Kramer Vs Kramer Vs Godzilla.

The next ‘Pie is on May 6th and features dj McQueen, Los Crocadilos, Drunken Gypsies and BustMyFlex.