The Traditional Arts Team

Pam Bishop of the Traditional Arts Team writes to inform me of their existence for which I’m very grateful.

What are the traditional performance arts?

Activities using music, dance, song and storytelling which were traditionally learned and passed on by ear or word of mouth. Even if the texts or the tunes are nowadays learned from books, or have been written or composed by contemporary artists, the performance styles can still be based on those of traditional performers. Such activities may be indigenous to the British Isles or drawn from the traditions of people who now live here.

They run a fair number of events centering on the Moseley / Kings Heath area but spreading across the Midlands. Here’s the forthcoming itinerary for Birmingham:

Saturday 21 April – Ceilidh / Barn dance at All Saints Church Hall, Kings Heath. Tickets £7 (£5 unwaged) from Rachel 246 9873

Sunday 29 April – Village Band day workshop for all musicians at Moseley Post Office Rooms, 11am to 5pm. Tickets £12 (£6 unwaged) from Pam 244 3513

First Wednesday of each month: Storytelling Session at Scruffy Murphy’s, Dale End (corner of Newton Street). More information from John 350 6545

First Thursday of each month: Traditional Song Session at MAC, Cannon Hill Park. More info from Pam 244 3513

Second and fourth Thursdays: Moseley Village Band, at Moseley Post Office rooms. More info from Susan 449 3189

Third Wednesday of each month: Storytelling Cafe – tickets from the venues:
18 April – Kitchen Garden Cafe, 443 4725
16 May – Kitchen Garden Cafe, guest Chris Smith with Palestine Story
20 June – mac, AS A SWORD FROM A LAKE: Jamie Crawford tells the story of King Arthur

Lots of activity there and seemingly distributed amongst a wide number of organisers. Very interesting…

Photo by Kevin Hayes from a barn dance in February. More photos.


  1. Autumn 07 brings a few changes of venue and date to the activities of the Traditional Arts Team. Here’s a short summary:

    Saturday 6 October – Ceilidh / Barn dance at St Dunstan’s Community Centre, Kingsfield Road, Kings Heath (access through the pay-and-display car park in Institute Road). Tickets £7 (£5 unwaged) from Rachel 246 9873

    First Wednesday of each month: Storytelling Session at Scruffy Murphy’s, Dale End (corner of Newton Street). More information from John 350 6545

    Third Thursday of each month: Traditional Song Session at the Station Pub, Kings Heath High St. More info from Pam 244 3513

    Second and fourth Thursdays: Moseley Village Band, at St Columba Church Hall, Alcester Road, Moseley. More info from Susan 449 3189

  2. I don’t have any details on these kind of dances, and suggest you contact the Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society

    Our next family barn dance will be on Saturday 1 December at St Dunstan’s Community Centre, Kingsfield Road, Kings Heath (access through the pay-and-display car park in Institute Road). Tickets £7 (£5 unwaged) from Rachel 246 9873.

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