CiB Year in Review: August

A daily look at the last 12 months August and everyone seemed to go on holiday, as people do. But a busy month all told. The Birmingham Carnival took place in Handsworth. In what was becoming a trend there were noise complaints which might jeopardize its future. Magazines were launched: The kids from Fused grew … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: July

A daily look at the last 12 months July saw the music festivals kicking off, rain permitting, and a number of debates. We started the month with a question: Why can’t Birmingham do it like Manchester? asked Dan Jones of Ten4 having visited the latter for their International Festival. He wasn’t saying we should be … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: The Photos

A daily look at the last 12 months Over the year I posted a lot of photos taken from the Birmingham Flickr community. Here’s a small selection. Click on them for bigger. from richard314159 from Matt Murtagh from dan-ish from Garry Corbett from Karl Randay {pixelherder} from suselstahl from Simon Medlicott from nobody knows anything … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: June

A daily look at the last 12 months June, and the Summer of Art starts to pick up steam, despite the rain. The Festival of Xtreme Building launched with some success and continued for four somewhat rainy months. Birmingham Words come onto the radar with their Perfectly Formed anthology. open a studio free of … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: May

A daily look at the last 12 months May saw Spring kick in with Festivals a plenty coming into view and one in particular dominating proceedings. The Fierce Festival saw me trying the preview / review thing again and I managed posts on The Sky Orchestra (which still hasn’t happened!), The Opening Party, Franko B, … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: April

A daily look at the last 12 months April was when I appeared to get my head around who was doing stuff with a whole slew of profiles which I’ve listed at the end of this post. And a bunch of stuff happened too as the arts scene picked up for the Spring and CiB … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: March

A daily look at the last 12 months March saw the blog stumble for a fortnight as I came down with the worst cold of my life. Seriously. It was a bad one. But still, a hell of a lot came my way. Name In Lights, the compo to get a name erected atop the … [Read more…]