CiB Year in Review: March

A daily look at the last 12 months

March saw the blog stumble for a fortnight as I came down with the worst cold of my life. Seriously. It was a bad one. But still, a hell of a lot came my way.

Name In Lights, the compo to get a name erected atop the library as part of Fierce, started and by all accounts went viral with millions of these scattered around the internet:

Project X Presents started the long road to getting Arts Council funding that ultimately ended in disappointment. Boo. But they went ahead anyway. Yay!

Made in Moseley, the directory of arty types in B13, crossed my path.

Antonio Gould started thinking about Co-working Spaces and I understand something tangible will be coming of this very soon.

The AA-RT show took place.

Supersonic was announced.

The Post reported that there are 60,000 “creatives” in the city though where you draw the line was questioned.

Test Bed, one of many art events taking place at Five Ways, was announced.

The mindboglingly complex and massive Surface Unsigned Festival began filtering 170 bands via the medium of audience reaction.

Rhubarb announced their For Sale exhibition where buildings in Birmingham looked like they were up for sale but, on closer inspection, were exhibiting photographs.

Brian Duffy was interviewed and showed himself to be a thousand times more interesting than you previously imagined. And that’s saying something.

The Rotunda was refurbished in 2007 and there was an accompanying art project.

March profiles included Poppy and the Jezebels, Lewes Herriot, Chris Keenan, Beat 13 and Goodmedia.

March also saw me introduce the blog at the Creative Industries Convention, croaking about it for ten minutes before Ken Loach did his keynote thing, which was pretty weird but did kickstart the process of everyone knowing about this little website.