Rotunda Memories

Nic Gaunt are currently producing a mixed media arts project based on the Rotunda in Birmingham that will culminate in a documentary and photographic exhibition. The title ’21 Stories’ has been chosen to encapsulate the project which will tell the story of the Rotunda through peoples personal stories, memories and connections to this wonderful landmark.

The project will culminate in a documentary and photographic exhibition in 2008, which will coincide with the completion of the Rotunda regeneration programme – the largest change to the building since its construction in 1965.

The website for the project is currently under construction, but once launched, it will show short clips of the film so far, and samples of the photography. It will also have extracts from interviews, and people’s thoughts and memories of the building.

Although we already have a list of people to film, we are very interested to hear from anyone who may have a story to tell about the building or an opinion about it.

If you have any views, thoughts or stories concerning the Rotunda, or any of your memories of the building, it would be wonderful for you to contact me. The email address is

Nabbed from Film Birmingham