Flickr Friday

A weekly grab from the Birmingham Flickr community. (Usually posted on Friday, unless I forget, like this week…) © nobody knows anything © tanyalupton © redcrayon © harri b To suggest photos for this feature post them to this thread on Flickr or leave a link in the comments here.

Flatpack Preview pt 3

This is part three of my Flatpack Film Festival preview guide covering Sunday. Previous parts covered Friday and Saturday. Once again, these aren’t necessarily recommendations as I don’t really know what I’m letting myself in for in a lot of cases. But the programme is absurdly packed so you might find this useful. I’m going … [Read more…]

Should we fund art?

This could be interesting! A debate in Coventry on 7th Feb is titled Chasing the Money: Who’s getting it, who’s not, and should the arts be funded?. It’s at the Herbert Cafe and is free, with the warning that it might get heated… Link via D’log

Movie Marketing Conference

Marketing the Movies: Promotion, Advertising and Film Studies is a conference at the University of Warwick in Coventry on Saturday 24th February. More so than many other kinds of art, films exist primarily as commercial entities, with for-profit enterprises producing and distributing the vast majority of the works which are seen throughout the world. Selling … [Read more…]

Flatpack Preview pt 2

This is part two of my Flatpack Film Festival preview guide covering Saturday. Part one detailed my plans for Friday and Sunday will follow soon. Again, these aren’t necessarily recommendations as I don’t really know what I’m letting myself in for in a lot of cases. But the programme is absurdly packed so you might … [Read more…]

Flatpack Preview pt 1

Okay, here’s part one of my planned schedule for the Flatpack Film Festival, Birmingham’s celebration of the slightly odd aspects of the moving image. This isn’t necessarily a recommendation as I’m going in blind to most of these. That’s they way I like festivals – they’re about discovery, not seeing the same old stuff. The … [Read more…]

Gareth Courage

Gareth Courage is a Stirchley-based graphic artist who produces a downloadable PDF magazine of his work every few months entitled Viewer. The above is taken from issue 4, released today. Gareth works with found images and his own photographs and is a fan of expired film, usually loaded into the old and broken cameras. His … [Read more…]

The future of the Academy

Following on from the Venue Surveys, which prompted this thread on LiveJournal, I’ve been thinking more about the Carling Academy and what’s going to happen to it when the area around Dale End is redeveloped. Plans are still sketchy (the page on BCC’s site is somewhat old) but it’s going to happen, probably in the … [Read more…]