Animation Forum’s new site

Animation Forum has a new website with a members area for people to upload their work to and connect with others in the area. Interestingly they’re also using a Facebook group for discussions which is a sensible move – using a service that already exists and most people are already on.

Margaret Street not closing

A brief update to the Margaret Street closure blogged about here in April. A comment left on that post from BIAD Fine Art course director John Wigley implies it won’t go ahead quite as planned. If I may quote: To reassure everybody and to end speculation, at present, as far as we are concerned working … [Read more…]

Local band news

Local band news: Steve Gerrard informs that Envy and Other Sins are in the final of the Mobile Act Unsigned compo (“the search for the best new band in Britain”) which could see them win a record deal with A&M. While wishing them all the best I’m amused to see the prize includes “hefty cash … [Read more…]

D’log on the arts cuts

D’log continues his coverage of Arts Council cuts. The Guardian article he links to gives a bit of context: Nearly 200 arts organisations in England have been told that their funding will end from next April in the biggest and most bloody cull since the Arts Council was set up more than 50 years ago. … [Read more…]

Thomas Moronic interviewed

Dave Hilliard interviews the writer and blogger Thomas Moronic. Here’s the obligatory Birmingham quote: The Midlands has other influences as well. As you know, it can be difficult being an artist round here sometimes because it can be quite an isolated place, if you are of a certain creative mindset. The place can be very … [Read more…]