Culture Climate

Charlotte Carey went to the Cultural industries and Climate Change in the West Midlands conference and has kindly posted her notes.

Buy or sell

Anthony Herron of Boy Wonder Records is fuming about ticket touts and runs through some ways for event organisers to beat them. He’s keen to get a debate going on this so go join him on his blog.

Art at 0%

Audiences Central points us to Own Art, an intriguing Arts Council scheme where you can borrow up to £2000 interest free to buy some art.

Brumcast #79

Brumcast 79 is up: [audio:] One hour of local music featuring Wrapped in Plastic, Phluxm, Miles Hunt, One Dead Groove, Wurlitztraction , The Drowners, Crashdown!, Rebel Territory, The Detrimentals, The Courtesy Group, Understar, Death05, Doom Patrol, The Skeleton Cartel, The Legatos, Terrorform, The 21cm line, Murdoch, Intelligenazia, Paisley Riot and Relay.

Lucy McLauchlan’s new site and London show

In a somewhat natural development the Beat 13 website has been completely taken over by Lucy McLauchlan showcasing her paintings and selling her prints. I particularly like the scrapbook page showing the wide variety of mediums and situations her work has appeared in. She also has her first solo London show, Expressive Deviant Phonology, starting … [Read more…]

Boxer and Surely

Boxer are a creative design agency based at Fort Dunlop whose web presence is a great example of the sort of thing I’ve been banging on about recently. Their corporate face is all slick and professional while their nascent blog, Soak It Up is a mad pile of bonkers that makes my head spin in … [Read more…]

The 383 Garden

Still on the subject of the Plus+ Festival, 383 Project have posted up some photos of their rather impressive stand. “See how we’ve grown” indeed!