CiB Year in Review: February

A daily look at the last 12 months February saw loads of announcements for festivals, conferences and the like taking place in Birmingham over the year and I did my level best to keep up with them. Shouted about in Feb were Fierce, BM&AG’s Open Art Show at the Gas Hall, the Plus+ Design Festival, … [Read more…]

CiB Year in Review: January

Over the next 12 days I’ll be summarizing the last 12 months of Birmingham’s arts and creative life as seen through the filter of this this blog. And then, once I’m back in the UK and settled, I’ll catch up on all the news. January saw this blog taking its first tentative steps as I … [Read more…]

Newest Music Strategies

Newest Music Strategies. Dubber’s taking his blog in a new direction this year: In 2007, we learned about the new music business environment. In 2008, we claim it, take the reins and start driving it in a direction that suits us. It’s a direction that’s good for consumers, good for artists, good for entrepreneurs and … [Read more…]

Feed Blog

Feed, “a platform to showcase their work to a professional standard, enabling students to work across different mediums of design for print, motion and interactive graphics in addition to media, photography, music and art” coming out of Mathew Boulton College, has a weblog.

Binary Oppositions review

Here’s a long, positive and detailed review of the Binary Oppositions CD that accompanied the exhibition of Birmingham art in Brescia, northern Italy. The CD is sold out but I have seen digital copies floating around the interwebs. Keep your eyes peeled. via Klunk

Interview with Joel Wilson

Nice interview with Joel Wilson aka rapper Joel the Custodian on the predominantly American Music Mamma’s blog. Here’s the Brum-specific bit: What is the current music scene like there in Birmingham? Birmingham, the city that spawned Black Sabbath [and recently the Editors and the Streets] has over 1 million inhabitants. Despite the wealth of creativity … [Read more…]

Mr Birmingham

Joanna Geary had a follow-up chat with Michael Woolf after he expressed interest in helping Birmingham improve it’s image after the Plus+ festival. He suggests we ask this question: If Birmingham was a person, or a family, what would it be like? If it was a verb, what would happen if you Birmingham-ed? Personally that … [Read more…]