Three White Walls

One thing I’ve been meaning to do for a while now is a survey of Birmingham’s gallery spaces, from the high-end commercial to the drafty warehouses. In the meanwhile the occasional piece of serendipity will have to suffice, such as this post on Midwest which informs me of the existence of Three White Walls, a … [Read more…]

Paul’s Blog

Paul Birch of Revolver Records has started a blog. Paul, you’ll remember, had that email debate with Andrew Dubber last year that went all viral, so it’s great to see him embracing the form. And given he’s an interesting chap with lots to say about this music industry his blog should come high on a … [Read more…]

Vale Mail

As part of his search for local community blogs dp has come across a gem in Vale Mail, a relatively new blog covering the minutiae of Castle Vale. While not strictly on the CiB radar it’s an interesting model to look at. dp says: It has apparently been online for all of 3 months, but … [Read more…]

Birmingham Rep’s funding cut?

D’log notices in this Times Parliamentary sketch that the Birmingham Rep is, apparently, losing some funding in the current round of arts cuts. Nothing else in the news that I can see. Anyone know for sure? And if so, what it might affect?

4Talent widens

A bit of rejiggery-pokery at the 4Talent offices has been going on. What was 4Talent West Midlands is now 4Talent Central bringing Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Cambridge, Oxford, Gloucester and Norwich into the fold. If you’re a West Midlands creative, don’t worry – we’ll still be dedicated to covering Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton and the rest of … [Read more…]