Jewellery Quarter on the World Heritage map?

Is there a term for news that might turn out to be something substantial or might turn out to be optimistic bluster? Schrödinger’s story? Anyway, news is bubbling up today that the council wants to make the Jewellery Quarter a World Heritage Site. B:INS and Adrian have more. [Later: and Tom] The money quote: “Although … [Read more…]

Hiroshige ends

Phil Wilkinson gives notice on his Artfall blog that the Utagawa Hiroshige exhibition, curated by Julian Opie, finishes its run at the Ikon this Sunday.

Stef’s blog guide

Wanting to set up a website that’s a bit more than a basic weblog? For free? In about 4 hours? Stef Lewandowski has a handy guide.

Richard Coldicott at Jibbering

The next exhibition at Jibbering Records in Moseley is the work of Richard Coldicott starting with a launch on Thursday 7th Feb at 8pm. From tight brush strokes to large aerosol paintings to photosgraph, Richard’s work bridges the gap between street and studio, observing the “throw away” element of painting public walls.

4Talent Magazine

I heard this a while ago but couldn’t remember if it was official yet or not, and going through my backlog of feed it turns out it is, and has been for a week or so. Ten4 Magazine is being renamed 4Talent Magazine. “The page count will double to 200 pages and we are going … [Read more…]

Nigel Singh

Nigel Singh is the new Chief Exec of Audiences Central. Everyone is, naturally, delighted.

MAC Retrospective open

Running until Sunday 6th of April the MAC’s Do You Remember The First Time? looks to be worth a visit. This retrospective exhibition curated by Rob Hewitt and Simon Redgrave draws from reactions to more than 40 years of work at mac and explores memories from audiences, artists and staff, from past and present. What … [Read more…]

D’log – the cuts blogger

If you’re at all interested in following the Arts Council funding cuts and how they affect the region you really should be reading D’log who is compiling reports from across the web like a blogger possessed. Good work, sir.