Sour note

Sour note – terrific and concise defence of Birmingham Opera Company in the Times by Richard Morrison. Hard to pick a small bit so here’s three paragraphs: Well, as anyone who has dealt with the Arts Council will expect, the reasons have nothing to do with art or excellence. The Arts Council is miffed that … [Read more…]


Here’s a short video from the BASS Festival that took place in Birmingham in June. More about the British Art and Street Sounds shindig on the Punch Records site.

Broadcast on Birmingham digital media scene

Broadcast magazine have an overview article of Birmingham digital media companies from the perspective of traditional television production. While not telling me anything new it’s a solid snapshot of the scene. Unfortunately Broadcast requires you to log in to read the thing, something I don’t usually have a problem with but the process here is … [Read more…]

Toast for breakfast

Jon Bounds of Birmingham: It’s Not Shit was on 6music this morning “bigging up” Birmingham to the digital radio masses. Always good value, that Jon.

Dance Festival in May

[Update: The website has been updated so most of the links below are broken.] The big press release of the day appears to be for the International Dance Festival Birmingham coming out of DanceXchange and the Hippodrome with events happening at the Rep, Town Hall, Ikon and the Mailbox from 28th April to 24th May. … [Read more…]

Go Kart Mozart

Got me all intrigued, this has. Go Kart Mozart represents the further adventures of Birmingham, England, native Lawrence Hayward. He spent the ’70s and ’80s fronting the atmospheric guitar pop band Felt, who drew much inspiration from Television, releasing albums in the ’90s under the Denim moniker. Go Kart Mozart continues the pseudo-novelty direction of … [Read more…]