Paul “Wechtie” Burns on the Cuts

It’s always a good thing to come across a contrary view when the prevailing opinion seems pretty unanimous, especially when that view is well thought out and comes from the grass roots. Paul Burns reckons many of the funding decisions made by the Arts Council might be correct and explains at length. Go read the … [Read more…]

Symphony Hall

From Matt Murtagh (Better bigger) Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Pub Conversation audio

The podcast from last week’s Pub Conversation with Douglas White and Justin Coombes has popped onto the grid. Subscribe using this link or listen with this widget: [audio:]

The Big Picture

While Birmingham may criminally not have a photography museum or gallery of great substance we do, as of today, have a stupidly large and ambitious online photography project run, I’m pleased to say, by people who actually understand how these things should work. On the face of it The Big Picture is one of those … [Read more…]

Post Lips

A band to pout about. Well, wadaya know, a profile of Beestung Lips in the Birmingham Post. Given that the Post’s target readership is politicians and business leaders in the city it’ll be interesting to see what effect this has on their audience demographics.

Silent Underground

I’ve written about Silent UK on my own blog but coming across his/their Deviant Art profile (courtesy, as ever, of D’log) made me realise I’d not brought him/them to your attention. What’s going on here is urban exploration where folks gain entry, usually illegally, into abandoned buildings, underground tunnels and other areas not usually visited … [Read more…]

Quotes of Note

I really should start collecting quotes which, while on their own might just raise a smile, together would illustrate why Birmingham’s a rather interesting place to be. So let’s start a series right here, starting with this one from the Facebook listing for Earth’s Birmingham gig. Support is Lash Frenzy, a side project of Andrew … [Read more…]

Looking Forward

Animation Forum give notice of Looking Forward, a half day event this Wednesday for the audio-visual industry. This is an excellent opportunity for Animation Forum members to voice their opinions on the skills needs of the regions’ animation sector, as well as discover the business support available. The Animation Group at this event will be … [Read more…]