The flyer evolves

Now this is interesting. Leon Kesko emailed with some links to animations he’s done for nights in Birmingham. Check this out. It’s a 15 second video flyer and it makes perfect sense – everything you need to know about the event in one burst of sound and vision. Now that’s microcontent. I’m struggling to understand … [Read more…]

links for 2008-02-01

More tweaking of the News River. These collections of links will appear within the blog once a day. They’re the same as on the river page. Enjoy. Brum bloggers Meetup 2 (Facebook) Monday, February 18, 2008. 7pm. Somewhere in central Brum with wifi and space. (tags: cib) New Kings Heath and Moseley radio station planned … [Read more…]

Graffiti in Birmingham

Kem. Click for bigger. First off, go check out, specifically the Birmingham section. This is a massive archive of photos of graffiti art done in the city over the years organized by artist. It’s not the most advanced site by any stretch but it’s the closest I’ve seen to a documented history of the … [Read more…]

Eastside info needs a home

Andy at Substrakt wonders, what’s up with Eastiside? Considering he works there and has friends who live there he’s surprised to realise he doesn’t know exactly what’s going to happen with the redevelopment. So he digs around online and finds… not much really. On the one hand this isn’t too surprising. The Eastside development is … [Read more…]

Moseley Folk videos

A batch of video from last years (rather fabulous) Moseley Folk Festival has emerged on YouTube. Here’s part of one of my favourite sets from Voice of the Seven Woods. More videos here, and stick August 30th / 31st in your diary for this years event. ta Jez

The Art of Postering

Another very handy post from Autumn Store Dunc on putting posters up for gigs in Birmingham in which he goes through the methodology (“If you’ve got blu-tac then offer to put it up there and then and save them a bit of time, I say this because there have been times when I’ve handed posters … [Read more…]

Rubina Bibi

Rubina Bibi got in touch to say she’s looking for somewhere to exhibit her paintings in Birmingham. Since she’s got them online I’m only happy to oblige and spread the word. Here’s a couple: More here along with an email address.

We Are Birmingham

[Update: My mistake – it’s running until Feb 29th.] Model Cities was a neat sounding exhibition currently on at M.A.D.E. of photos from the Model Buildings project run by Stans Cafe at St Albans School last year before it was rebuilt. The children were encouraged to imagine “that small details of the old school were … [Read more…]