We Are Birmingham

[Update: My mistake – it’s running until Feb 29th.]


Model Cities was a neat sounding exhibition currently on at M.A.D.E. of photos from the Model Buildings project run by Stans Cafe at St Albans School last year before it was rebuilt. The children were encouraged to imagine “that small details of the old school were architectural features of the new school” using tiny people.

The exhibition finished yesterday (oops) but is on until Feb 29th (Here’s the flyer) and you can find out more about the Delicate Balance collection of seventeen projects here.

I also love this little film they made at the end, so much so I uploaded it to YouTube on their behalf. ;)


  1. James Yarker

    Thanks for the namecheck, just to say the exhibition runs until 29th February, YOU CAN STILL COME TO IT.

  2. Andrew Cooley


    Thanks for the review.
    The school hasn’t been rebuilt yet, and won’t be until about 2011. The work with pupils was on a ‘what if…’ basis, and has continued over two years. This year it will be widened out to make a week’s focus for the whole school.

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