Cuts revealed

D’log has the full list of Arts Council cuts in the West Midlands and rather than repeat them here I’ll send you over to him. He’s got links to them all and commentary. Actually, his commentary on Midwest was taken to task by Nikki Pugh who gives a nice account of her experiences with the … [Read more…]

NGA’s Digital Utopia

This year’s New Generation Arts Festival website appears to be a blog, which makes sense as the theme is Digital Utopia. If you sift through the hyperbole (“UK’s definitive platform for new, exciting talent” indeed) there’s some clues as to what’s happening. The topic of this year’s festival will be Digital Utopia, where the emphasis … [Read more…]

Flickr Sunday

from suselstahl from amortize from Matt Murtagh from BigChilli Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the images for more details.

links for 2008-02-03

Hi, We’re Creative Republic Their website has been overhauled explaining what it is they do. Go read. (tags: creativerepublic website) Multipack – A Community of Web Developers & Designers in Birmingham They’ve revamped their meetups which now take place every second Saturday at the Old Joint Stock. Next one is 9th Feb (tags: meetups multipack … [Read more…]

Monosin film festival

The Monosin Short Film Festival takes place at the Mono bar in the Arcadian centre on Tuesday 11th March. There’s no website I can find but piecing together various bits from around the web gives a good idea of where it’s coming from. This BBC article about last year’s event explains where the organiser, Tamsin … [Read more…]

Tomb Raider fanfilm at Light House

Here’s an odd one. Tomb Raider: Ascension is a fan film for the video game franchise of the same name. Such things are not unusual but this one came out of the West Midlands. Filmed in 7 days with a budget of £10,000 it was directed by Steven Reynolds with support from local production company … [Read more…]

links for 2008-02-02

Home of the Hanuman Ian Edwards, aka H4NUM4N, has started blogging. (tags: blogs birmingham) Laundry LAUNDRY is an association of artists. We make art, projects and other stuff happen. Based in the Midlands apparently. To investigate in depth. (tags: collectives art)

Party invite

Please note venue change 21st Feb, 6pm onwards. Concrete at Big Peg the Vertu Bar at 25 Frederick Street, Jewellery Quarter. Spread the word! (Please RSVP to lorraine [at] so we can get an idea of how many people are turning up)