Bedlam: The festival of mad ideas

  Bedlam: The festival of mad ideas With one in four people experiencing some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Birmingham Repertory Theatre are joining forces to put mental health centre stage. BEDLAM The Festival of Mad Ideas, which runs from 1 – … [Read more…]

BYOB Birmingham 2013

  “Vivid Projects’ acclaimed 33 REVOLUTIONS programme concludes this winter with Bring Your Own Beamer, a one-night event curated by Antonio Roberts with assistance from Pete Ashton. Armed with projectors, artists are invited to beam responses to Vivid Projects’ eight-month opening season, 33 REVOLUTIONS, onto the walls of the space. Launched in February 2013, 33 … [Read more…]

BCMG Crowd Out

Birmingham Contemporary Music Group (BCMG) is looking for 1000 people of all ages to build an all-singing, all-shouting super group for Crowd Out: On 8 June 2014 – 1000 individuals will give the world premiere performances of Crowd Out, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer David Lang’s new piece for 1000 voices, at Birmingham’s Millennium Point, in one of … [Read more…]

ESP Public Art Discussion

  Extra Special People are hosting a public art discussion tonight (29th October 6.30-9pm). We welcome everyone to join us for a lively public discussion at Eastside Projects on the future of public art in Birmingham. Since the Civic Society unveiled its desire to commission a new public art work at a debate in Birmingham’s … [Read more…]

Box of Light, Bring to Light and Illuminate

It seems only a couple of weeks ago I wrote about Capsule’s Discovery Season at the new Library of Birmingham, but it was in fact in August. So, here’s a reminder of what’s coming up in the very near future (today onwards): Flatpack’s Box of Light, celebrates early cinema “with a weekend of performances, screenings … [Read more…]

Ruth Green Prints

When I was home in Lincolnshire at the weekend I visited the National Centre for Craft and Design. They have a rather lovely shop stocking hand crafted bits and pieces including scarves, lampshades, purses, clothing and jewellery – as well as prints, cards and wrapping paper, amongst other things. The reason I’m telling you this, … [Read more…]

MMOA Making More of Outdoors Art

  MMOA (Making More of Outdoors Art): Making More of Outdoor Arts is a research, conversation and thinking project. It has been commissioned by Arts Council England West Midlands and led by Helga Henry (of Creative Shift), and Orit Azaz (independent artistic director and consultant ). We’d like you to get involved in the project and … [Read more…]