Box of Light, Bring to Light and Illuminate

It seems only a couple of weeks ago I wrote about Capsule’s Discovery Season at the new Library of Birmingham, but it was in fact in August.

So, here’s a reminder of what’s coming up in the very near future (today onwards):

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Flatpack’s Box of Light, celebrates early cinema “with a weekend of performances, screenings and activities for all ages” events across the weekend, starting tonight with:

Box of Light Variety Show – An evening of edification and entertainment featuring acclaimed lanternist Professor Heard and the Physioscope, a Victorian experiment recreated for the first time in a century by Roderick MacLachlan. The finale of the show is provided by French artist Julien Maire, whose Open Core performance includes a live dissection of a video projector

and other nice things across the weekend including The Icebook (which I saw at Flatpack 2012 and I strongly recommend), pieces by Little Earthquake and Ben Pacey specially commissioned for Box of Light at Birmingham REP, and there are also workshops/activities – with more info and full events listings on Flatpack’s website.

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Bring to Light, is “a weekend of adventurous music, celebrating the very best in new music and performance.” it starts tonight over at The Rainbow, and continuing tomorrow/Sunday at LoB:

This will see performances from visual artist turned sonic performer Dinos Chapman, South Africa’s Shangaan Electro, the ‘brain pulse music’ of Masaki BatohJosephine Foster, and more.

There’s also a workshop at DanceXchange and Supersonic Kids Gigs at Symphony Hall. The full schedule was announced earlier in the week so do take a look at it.

I’ll be at both (obviously not at the same time.) Say hello if you see me. 


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Another thing starting today is Illuminate, three atmospheric days and evenings of interactive light artworks in Southside:

Featuring a 360° film igloo; a light inspired live dance performance; a series of interactive street projections; and from Shanghai, the Lanterns of Terracotta Warriors Exhibition.

Good stuff. More on the Birmingham Hippodrome’s website.

Next weekend is another busy one too. You’ve got the RISK weekender at THSH, and Eye Candy Festival at Southside, and some other stuff I’ll try and formulate into a list.