Eye Candy Festival 2013

Eye Candy Festival 2013 launch party kicks off this Thursday, 31st October, at Le Truc and sees the start of the weekend long festival full of art, live drawing, films, installations, workshops and much more.

Eye Candy Festival

The best thing about Eye Candy Festival is that it is all free and will be featuring work by a range of creative favourites such as Jeremyville, Kristian Jones and Miss Led. I am most looking forward to the Vintage Mobile Cinema and hope to attend ‘Sign Painters the movie‘ on Friday evening as well as trying to find one of Kristian Jones 15 limited edition pieces of artwork that he will be leaving around Southside.

The full programme can be found here and the Eye Candy website is continually updated with more news and exciting announcements about the weekend.

With the launch party happening tomorrow I caught up with Michelle Turton, one of the contributors at this years Eye Candy Festival, to find out about her involvement.

Michelle, who most recently featured in ‘1000 Portraits’, is one third of the trio of illustrators who are adorning Unity House with their work this year alongside Vicky Newman who is a freelance contemporary illustrator specialising in drawing, screen printing and generally getting her fingers inky and Louise Brangwin who enjoys using a mixture of traditional printmaking techniques and line drawings alongside digital tools. Their work shares a common theme which they thought would be perfect to adorn and decorate Bromsgrove Street’s Unity House.

Having been a part of last years Eye Candy Festival through her role in the Inkygoodness Sketch event at Le Truc, Michelle knew that when Eye Candy Festival came around again that she would want to be involved.

Eye Candy provides a great opportunity for local creatives to meet up and network as well as showcase their work alongside other industry heavyweights on both a local and national scale. Out of all the commissions available we were hoping for ‘Unity House’. It’s a beautiful building and to adorn it with a series of illustrations we felt would show it a bit of love, care and attention. Having researched the venue we decided to take inspiration from the buildings former usage and have produced a series of panels telling the story of the buildings varied past from the Victorian era through to the 1980’s.




Above is a sneak preview of the work that will feature on Unity House at the weekend.

For Eye Candy Festival updates be sure to follow them on Twitter and don’t forget to check the website out for updates of what is happening when and where!